Archive for February, 2010

Google tablet: Pondering the designs, interface!

Posted in Hardware, IT, Mobile & Wireless, Networks, Notebooks, PC's on February 7, 2010 by cipri.muntean

Google has floated some user interface and design mockups for its own tablet that will run on the Chrome OS.

According to a post by Glen Murphy, a user interface (UI) designer for Google’s Chrome browser, the tablet designs for Google are “subject to change.” Murphy was just showing what a Chrome OS tablet may look like.

Google’s UI dreams on iPad.

The post comes complete with a video illustrating how the Google tablet would work.

Simply put, these design are kind of made up (Techmeme). But hey everyone has a tablet design these days. In the UI, you can zoom, see contextual actions and tab.

The real kicker, as noted by Stephen Shankland at CNet News, is that Google posted its design concepts two days before the Apple iPad launch. No one really noticed until now.

Will Google’s tablet look like this one? Perhaps. We know Android and/or Chrome OS powered tablets are coming. It’s just a matter of time.